Workshop: Network Analysis and the Cultural Heritage Sector, 8 June 2016, Luxembourg

This workshop on network analysis in the cultural heritage sector will be of interest if you read until the end of this sentence. It is held alongside the DH Benelux conference in Luxembourg.
Workshop: Network Analysis and the Cultural Heritage Sector, 8 June 2016, Luxembourg
Date: Wednesday, 8th June 2016
Location: University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval
Begin: 9.30
Registration: Attendance is free but participants are asked to register by May 27th. Please contact Marten Düring,
Networks, network metaphors and network visualisations are everywhere. In recent years, they have been increasingly used as omnipresent representations of complexity itself and network-based infrastructures are increasingly shaping the way in which we organise and consume information.
In this workshop we want to explore how network visualisations and infrastructures will change the research and outreach activities of cultural heritage professionals and historians.
Among the questions we seek to discuss during the workshop are for example: How do users benefit from graphs and their visualisation? Which skills do we expect from our users? What can we teach them? Are SNA theories and methods relevant for public-facing applications? How do graph-based applications shape a user’s perception of the documents/objects which constitute the data? How can applications benefit from user engagement? How can applications expand and tap into other resources?
To this end we bring together scholars from the humanities and computer science, from design as well as the natural sciences to present best practices in their fields, to start an interdisciplinary dialogue and to help foster future co-operations.
The workshop is collocated with this year’s DH Benelux conference at the University of Luxembourg (
Confirmed speakers:
Pim van Bree, Geert Kessels, Nodegoat
“From research-based data models to user-oriented interaction models. Conflicting or compatible paths?”
Brian Croxall, Brown University
“Networking Poetry”
Julia Damerow, Erick Peirson, Arizona State University
“Quadruples Online: an update on VogonWeb and Quadriga”
Ingeborg van Vugt, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
“Bound by Books – Visualizing Networks of Books in 17th century Correspondences”
Mohammad Ghoniem, Fintan McGee
“Visual Analytics of Multilayer Digital Humanities Networks”
Lars Wieneke, Daniele Guido, Marten Düring, CVCE Luxembourg
“histograph – graph-based exploration, crowd-based indexation”
Reinhard Schneider, University of Luxembourg
“Visualisation of large scale molecular interaction networks”
Benoit Verjat, SciencesPo, Medialab Paris
Title tba
Donato Ricci, Sciences Po, Medialab Paris
Title tba
Michele Mauri, Politecnico Milano
Title tba
Tommaso Elli, Politecnico Milano
Title tba

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